by Suzie Doscher Feel like you keep facing the same uphill struggle? Sometimes you create your own problems with your thoughts and beliefs. It is these particular thoughts that hold you back, keep you stuck and consequently limit you. In my coaching practice, as well as my own personal experience, I have witnessed how a self-sabotage routine can be created with these thoughts and beliefs. If you find that you keep coming back to the same type of situation again and again, it is well worth exploring if, in fact, you are running a self-sabotage routine. To break this self-sabotage cycle, you will need to first determine what this limiting thought or belief is. Once you have figured that out (by yourself, with the help of a friend/boss or qualified coach), consider the information below to help yourself make a lasting change. The best approach is to replace whatever you are thinking is with a thought that is more positive. For example:
General information to remember:
Example of rephrasing a limiting belief:
Lastly, it is vital to make a short list of the reasons why you are putting the effort into changing this. You will be able to refer back to the list for motivation when you are feeling a bit deflated. Below are some questions you can answer to come up with this list:
Be patient with yourself. Changing behaviour takes a little more time than having an 'aha' moment in your thinking. Thinking is cognitive, behaviour involves emotions. Need some support - Book a coaching session
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Suzie Doscher is a Professional Executive Coach focusing on Personal Development. Located in Zurich, Switzerland. Her approach to personal development is practical and successful.
Suzie is happiest when helping people. Her vision is everyone should have access to techniques for personal growth and development. This was the motivation behind her book. Author |